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DescriptionFile format
A JS file is a text file containing JavaScript code that is used to execute JavaScript instructions in a web pagejs
A SYS file is a system file used by the Microsoft Windows and DOS operating systems. It contains system settings and variables as well as functions that are used to start the operating system sys.sys
Active Server Page file formatasp
Active Server Page Extended (ASPX) fileaspx
Adobe FrameMakermif
Adobe InDesign in XML formatinx
Adobe PhotoDeluxe image filepdd
Adobe PhotoShoppsd
Apple Safari and Mac OS X operating systems stringsstrings
ASP.NET Web User Control fileascx
A bilingual tab-separated data (TSV) file format in which each line represents a translatable unitcatkeys
Borland Package Librarybpl
A spreadsheet template included with Apache OpenOfficeots
Comma Separated Values ​​(CSV) filecsv
Compiled HTML file formatchm
Compressed files for backupdbk
Darwin Information Type Architecture filedita
Digital line graph filesdlg
DITA XML fileditamap
A document template saved in the standard OASIS OpenDocument formatott
Document type definition fileDTD
E-book file formatepub
File extension for files used primarily in Java-related technologies to store configurable application properties 
A file that uses a two-dimensional vector graphics formatsvg
Game resource filelang
Google App Resource Packsarb
HTML Help Workshop Filehhc
Hypertext Markup Language filehtm, html
INC is a text file extension that is used with several programming languages. INC stands for INClude filesinc
InDesign fileidml, indd
INI is a file extension for the initialization file format used by Microsoft Windowsini
Internet document set in itits
Java file extensionjava
Java Resourcesj2ee, j2se, j2me, war
Java Server Pages file formatjsp
Java Archivejar
Java class fileclass
JavaScript Object Notationjson
A lightweight markup language with plain text formatting syntaxmarkdown
Linux and Unix systems Graphical user interface filedesktop
Macromedia’s Captivate software applicationrd
Markdown documentation filesmd
Compressed XLIFF archive of MemoQmqxlz
MemoQ document formatmqxliff
Microsoft Excel filesxls, xlsm, xlsx, xlt, xltm, xltx
Microsoft HTML Helphhk
Microsoft Installer file parsermsi
Microsoft PowerPoint filepot, potm, potx, pps, ppsm, ppsx, ppt, pptm, pptx
Microsoft Visio 2013 and later versionsvstx
A Microsoft Visio application that supports macrosvsdm
Microsoft Visio softwarevtx
Microsoft Visio template filesvssm
Microsoft Word filedoc, docm, docx, dot, dotm, dotx
On Microsoft. NET Framework; stores objects and strings for a given program in XML formatresx
ODS is a spreadsheet file format used by OpenOffice/StarOfficeods
Open Document Master Documentodm
OpenDocument Text Document fileodt
OpenOffice presentation template filesotp
Photoshop document templatepsdt
A PHP file is a web page that contains PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) codephp
PLIST File is a settings fileplist
Format for portable documentspdf
Portable object file parserpo
Presentation file format used by OpenOffice.orgodp
Rich Text Format documentrtf
SDL intermediate translation documentitd
SDLXLIFF is an XML-based file format specifically developed for use in SDL Trados Studiosdlxliff
SQL is a file extension for Structured Query Language file format written in ASCII. SQL files are used by database productssql
Templates created with Microsoft Visio 2013 and later versionsvssx
SubRip File with subtitlessrt
A TAG file is a data file used by DataFlex and the SQL Connectivity KitTag
Template files created with Microsoft Visio that support macrosvstm
Text documents containing details about the subtitles of digital videossub
A text file that contains TypeScript codets
TMX is a file extension used by some CAT (Computer Aided Translation) tools. TMX file uses XML data formattmx
Document tagged Tradosttx
A TXT file is a standard text document that contains unformatted texttxt
TypeExtensible Hypertext Markup Language Documentxhtm
XML file for Visio drawingsvdx, vsdx
Visio template XML filevsx
Visual Basic 6 projectfrm, vbp
Visual Studio и Borland C++rc, rc2
A web page written in XHTMLxhtml
Web Video Text Tracks (WebVTT) formatvtt
.wiki formatted text filewiki
Windows 8 Modern UI filesresjson
Standard Windows resourcesdll, exe, ocs
XML (Extensible Markup Language) data filexml
XML format for exchanging localization filesxlf, xliff
XML-based Extensible TreeGraph (XTG) formatxtg
YAML Ain’t Markup Language – data serialization fileyaml
YouTube videos to display subtitles or closed captionssbv
ZIP is an archive file format that supports lossless data compression. Memsource allows multiple files to be uploaded from an archivezip

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