Communication without limits


All delegates speak in their native language, but listen to the interpretation in some languages only. In many cases, participants understand one or more widely spoken languages but do not feel confident speaking them. One way to avoid the moment of hiring multiple interpreters is to use asymmetrical interpretation. Naturally, to use asymmetric interpreting, you need to make sure that all delegates understand one or more active languages.


Sign language interpreters work in meetings with participants with hearing or speech impairments and translate from spoken language to sign language and vice versa. The interpreter is in front of the audience; direct line of sight is required. Multiple gestures and facial expressions are universal and easily recognizable despite national and cultural differences. Nevertheless, there is no single universal sign language that everyone can understand. There are more than 100 sign languages and dialects in the world.


If one or two interpreters have a rare passive language, they can be “pivots” (pillars of support) for the other booths who will use them as a riley. Professionals always try to avoid a pivot unique situation for any language on the team. Sometimes one language is a pivot language and is covered by two interpreters, both working interpreting a pivot in one language and swapping into one booth, or one interpreter per pivot and another interpreter who would replace him. When large teams with more languages are set up, it is better to carry out rhetor translation using languages from different language families (Germanic, Romance, Finno-Ugric). The aim is to distribute the workload more evenly and avoid any imbalance in translation, which is likely to occur when communication passes continuously through only one Riley language or language group.


The interpreter is among the delegates and interprets in a whispered simultaneous voice. It is mainly used for bilateral meetings or group meetings where several participants do not have a common language. Interpreting by ear is often used instead of consecutive interpreting to save time. Sometimes the ear interpreter may use headphones to hear the speaker better.


The translator works from his mother tongue into a foreign language. Translators usually translate from a foreign language into their native language. Some translators are also fluent enough in a second language to work from their native language. This is called retour interpreting or it is the French word for “back” which has universal usage. A relatively small number of interpreters know their second language to such a level that they are able to interpret into that language. These translators may work in two booths. Retour interpreting is suitable for carrying out reverse translation (rilay) from rarely spoken languages to more widely spoken languages.


When a delegate speaks a language that is not covered by the interpreter in the Active Languages booth, they can be “transferred” (via an audio link) to another booth that covers the language and “replaces” the function of the Active Languages booth. The interpreter works via another language without any quality degradation.


The interpreter works alternately in two booths during one appointment. In cheval translation, the interpreter works in two booths during the meeting. Normally, interpreters work in teams of two for each language, but when simultaneous interpreting is done in only two languages, you can hire a cheval interpreter. He is able to translate in both languages and moves between the two booths as needed. Special training is required for this type of translation, it is not recommended for long events. We also provide other types of interpreting, such as whispered interpretation, telephone interpreting or Skype/Zoom. conference interpreting. If you can’t find what you are looking for among these types of interpreting, please contact our project coordinators – we will surely find the right solution for you!