Who are we?
Our mission is to provide our clients with high-quality language services to facilitate their work and effective communication in Bulgaria and around the world.
Skrivanek Translation House wants to be a company with an exceptional level of customer service and high quality of services, to take care of the well-being of its employees and its positive reputation.
Accountability – we value professionalism, honesty, punctuality and mutual respect. This integrity in business allows us to provide high-quality language solutions you can trust.
Value – We listen carefully and analyze each client’s needs and expectations carefully to determine the priorities together. It is important for us that our solutions are useful in any situation, even non-standard ones.
Challenge – we are not afraid of “unprecedented” and “impossible” projects. We are here to support you on your way to success!
Team work – we believe that positive and passionate people working together achieve fantastic results. We strive to create a work environment with clear, fair and non-restrictive rules that are the same for everyone. Solidarity and personal success go hand in hand in our extremely interesting work.
Skrivanek is one of the largest language service providers in the world with over 25 years of experience in the language services field
Our first branch
We established our first branch abroad – in Lublin, Poland. Lublin is the ninth largest city in Poland and the second largest city in historic Lesser Poland.
Our Hungarian branch is established in Budapest
In 1999 a branch was founded in Slovenia (Ljubljana).
In 2000 a branch was founded in Bulgaria (Sofia).
We implement a quality management system according to EN ISO 9001
In 2003, we established a branch in Slovakia
In 2004 we established a branch in Germany (Berlin)
In 2004 we established a branch in Belgium (Brussels)
In 2004, we established a branch in Estonia (Tallinn)
In 2004, Skrivanek became an official supplier for the EU
In 2005 New York, New York! Skrivanek opens its first branch in the USA
In Common Sense Advisory's ranking of top translation agencies (ranked 19th in the world in terms of turnover)
Establishment of our branch in Russia (Moscow)
Implementation of environmental management system standard EN ISO 14001
Implementation of the ISO 27001 information security management system
Introducing a new corporate design and a new website decorated for our 20th anniversary in 2014.
We are setting up a branch in London, UK
We are implementing a new ISO 17100 standard for translation services
Celebrating our 25th anniversary!
We are implementing a new ISO 18587 standard for machine translation post-editing
Skrivanek is one of the largest language service providers in the world with over 25 years of experience in the language services industry. Currently, there are nearly fifty branches in various countries around the world. Skrivanek Translation House has been working in Bulgaria since 2000. We started with written and oral translations. Today we also offer proofreading, localization, telemarketing, machine translation editing and other language services. Skrivanek was one of the first translation agencies in Bulgaria to introduce a quality management system compliant with the ISO 9001 standard. Subsequently, we implemented an environmental management system according to the ISO 14001 standard, and in 2012 we implemented an information security management system according to the ISO 27001 standard. Our goal was to protect information from destruction, theft or misuse. We guarantee the reliability and effective protection of data, both our own and that of our business partners, employees, public authorities and all other persons and organizations in accordance with the law and our internal security rules. It is important to note that Skrivanek has its own local and global IT departments. They help maintain the highest security standards by constantly monitoring servers and information flows, as well as the operation of the data security system. In addition, we are certified according to the EN 17100 standard, which defines the requirements for the translation process, including quality. And since November 2021, we have secured certification under the 18587 standard, which defines the post-editing process after machine translation.