The task of the interpreters is to enable the communication between different educational and cultural background, speaking different languages. The interpreters translate not only words, but the ideas presented by the speakers.
The interpreter works in a sound-proof booth in a team of two interpreters, for each language combination. The speaker is in the conference hall and speaks at a microphone, the interpreter receives the sound in the headphones and transmits the message at a microphone almost simultaneously. The participants in the conference hall choose the respective channel in order to hear the interpretation in the language of their choice. There are various languages or language regime configurations.
The interpreter sits with the delegates, listens to the statement and renders it in another language at relatively equal intervals, after he/she has listened to a semantically complete part of the speech. In the contemporary world consecutive interpretation is largely overshadowed by simultaneous interpreting, but is still convenient for a certain type of meetings, such as high technology meetings, work lunches, small groups, field trips, etc. A professional interpreter is able to render accurately speech fragments up to 10 minutes long.
A sworn interpreter is an interpreter with experience and professional reputation who has deposited a (certified declaration as per Art 290(2) of the Penal Code of the Republic of Bulgaria. It is used mainly at court proceedings, notary deeds, civil marriages. We can offer the services of a sworn interpreter who can certify the authenticity of the interpretation and is able to interpret the statements made before public offices and institutions. Confidentiality is guaranteed.
To a certain extent, this type of Interpreting resembles consecutive Interpreting. The difference is that the meeting with your partner is over the telephone. The interpreter may either be present at your office or participate via a conference call.
We will provide an interpreter for your business meeting abroad. It will be more convenient and cheaper to order an interpreter for the city where the work meeting will take place. The interpreter will be provided on the spot and you will not have to pay additional traveling, daily and possibly visa costs for an accompanying interpreter from Bulgaria.
The interpreter accompanies the client during trips and business meetings. The service is very close to consecutive interpreting, the difference is the less workload for the interpreter, the less specialized terminology and the less formal atmosphere. Tour guiding is a service typical for the tourist industry, for us it is a challenge, or rather, a hobby. To save some of your time and walk your business guests to some of the sights in our capital, the historical culture monuments or to other requested destinations. Without limiting ourselves only to European languages, we have specialists fluent in various languages, with good knowledge about our historical heritage and with skills in intercultural relations.
- We will translate your movie or audio recording, regardless of the language;
- The translation will be as close as possible to the articulation of the words in the source language, to the movement of the lips of every one of the characters;
- We will make voiceover, keeping in mind the mouth synchronization of the audio recording, for subtitles as well as for dialogues between the characters;
- We will take into consideration mouth synchronization with the language record so that it is with as many words as are pronounced by the participants;
- We will make voiceover of your translated song lyrics adapting them to the rhythm in order to ensure musical compliance.
- Asymmetric interpretation: All delegates speak their native language, but listen to the translation only in some languages.
In many cases, participants understand one or more common languages but do not feel confident in speaking them. One way to avoid the moment of hiring several translators is to use asymmetric interpretation. Of course, to use asymmetric translation, you need to make sure that all delegates understand one or more active languages. - Sign language translation: Sign language interpreters work in meetings with participants with hearing or speech impairments and translate from spoken language into sign language and vice versa. The translator is in front of the audience, direct visibility is needed. Many gestures and facial expressions are universal and easily recognizable, despite national and cultural differences. Nevertheless, there is no single universal sign language that everyone can understand. There are more than 100 sign languages and dialects in the world.
- Pivot: If one or two interpreters have rare passive languages, they may be “pivots” (pillars) of the other booths that will use them as relay. Professionals always try to avoid a pivot unique situation for any language on the team. Sometimes a language is a pivot language and is covered by two translators, both working on a retour translation into one language and taking turns in a booth, or a retour translator and another translator to replace it. When creating large teams with more languages, it is better to translate the relay through languages from different language families (German, Romance, Finno-Ugric). The aim is to distribute the workload more evenly and to avoid any translation imbalance that is possible when communication passes continuously through only one relay language or language group.
- Chuchotage: The translator is among the delegates and translates simultaneously in whispers. The translation in the ear can be used only for a small number of delegates which are close to each other. It is mainly used for bilateral or group meetings where several participants do not have a common language. Interpretation in the ear is often used instead of consecutive translation to save time. Sometimes the interpreter in the ear can use headphones to hear the speaker better.
- Retour: The translator works from his mother tongue to a foreign language.
Translators usually translate from a foreign language into their native language. Some translators are proficient enough in a second language and can work on it from their native language. This is called a retour interpretation, or it is the French word for “back” that has universal use. A relatively small number of translators know their second language at such a level that they are able to translate into that language. These translators can work in two booths. Retour interpreting is suitable for reverse translation (relay) from rare languages to more common languages. - Relay: When the delegate speaks a language that is not covered by the interpreter in the active language booth, it can be “transferred” (via an audio link) to another booth that covers the relevant language and “replaces” the active language booth function. The translator works in another language without compromising quality.
- Cheval: The interpreter works consecutively on two booths during one meeting.
During cheval translating, the translator works on two booths during the meeting. Usually translators work in a team of two for each language, but when simultaneous translation is done in only two languages, you can hire a cheval-translator. It is able to translate into both languages and moves between the two booths as needed. This type of translation requires special training, it is not recommended for continuous events.